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Tanzmehr Bühne Branches

 Between our biannual festivals we strengthen cultural participation in the art form of dance with our “Branches”. These activities are intended to grow into the dance community, the regions and society. In 2024 they are the “Critical Whiteness Workshop” (July) and the Conference “Round Tables” (October). For 2025 we plan Coachings for groups and a branch with format that is in planning.

In cooperation with Dance Mediation CH.


Critical Whiteness Workshop 29. & 30.06.2024

A total of 30 committed people from the world of dance and other cultural fields were present. We would like to thank the workshop leaders Anna Chiedza Spörri and Gifti Tekako for their valuable work and comprehensive documentation.  

See flyer


in cooperation with Tanzhaus Zürich and Dance Mediation CH

Conference «Round Tables» for Artistic Community Dance, Saturday October 19th, 10 - 5pm 2024, Tanzhaus Zürich

For exchange, networking and further education to all people working within or interested in Artistic Community Dance.

We talk about co-creativity, values, visibility, time and money!

We dance and eat lunch together. In German (spoken language) with translation into English and german sign language (DGS).


Cost for members of Tanzvermittlung CH, Dansesuisse, Tanzmehr: 25 CHF

Non-members: 50 CHF

(The conference fee can be reduced or waived in the event of financial difficulties. Simply send an e-mail to, no explanation necessary)


Registration before October 12th via online form:

In cooperation with Tanzhaus Zürich and Tanzvermittlung CH

Supported by Federal Office of Culture, cultural participation, basis and networking

Coaching for Dance Mediators as of January 2025

 We support* coaching for dance mediators who work on Artistic Community Dance projects. Coaching consists of two meetings and can consist of artistic/choreographic support, or provide valuable tips on the financing and organization of ACD projects. Those interested can apply for coaching on an ongoing basis. From now on, send an email with motivation and a short description of the project, as well as a short biography or a corresponding link to

*provided that the necessary financing is secured

To stay up to date on everything to do with Tanzmehr Bühne, interested parties can sign up for the  Tanzmehr Bühne Newsletter